Emigrate with Confidence

Golden Visas For Europe

Residency & Citizenships by Investment

Golden Visas

Second, Citizenships and residency-by-investments are no longer the preserve of the few. We assist our clients to find the most beneficial Golden Visa to match their needs, both in the short and long term.

Currently, there are several Golden Visa Programmes available within the European Union. We are delighted to assist our clients in selecting and securing the opportunity that best meets their requirements.

The changing landscape

The European Union, along with member states, continually adapts policies to both encourage direct investment and protect its borders. At Sterling Migration, our team strives to remain informed of all potential changes and is ready to take advantage of the ever-changing opportunities available for our clients.

Discover More

The fastest and easiest way to discover all your residency or citizenship by investment options within the E.U. is to complete our online form and arrange a chat with one of our experts.

We look forward to assisting with your plans.

“For your peace of mind and protection, Emigrate with complete confidence.”

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