Emigrate with Confidence

The Benefits Of A Case Review

Before proceeding with a case, we want to understand our client’s needs and to be confident that their case has a realistic chance of success.
Our aim is to prevent our clients from spending time and money unnecessarily on a case that is destined to fail.
Once we are satisfied that a case has a realistic chance of success, we will invite you to become our client to move forward in assisting with your tailored emigration plans.

How It Works

Complete our form to begin your assessment

Receive an email with a link to our detailed assessment form

Answer all questions to the best of your ability

Upload all requested documents

Submit your assessment

Let one of the experts review your information and reach out with our assessment.

Next Steps

Once We have determined the likelihood of success, we shall provide our written feedback with four possible outcomes:

The case has a realistic chance of success, and we will proceed with inviting you to become our client. We will begin building your case.

Potential Risks are involved in the case; we will explain those risks and offer recommendations to mitigate those risks, if possible, prior to inviting you to become our client.

The case requires enhancements, and delaying the start of the case may be beneficial, leading to a greater chance of success in the longer term. Often to build additional points.

Ineligibility, while no one wants to hear this news, and we certainly do not like sharing it. We must be realistic; if we do not believe a case has a likelihood of success, we will be clear in our findings. We would hope that it will prevent unnecessary costs from filing a case that would fail at a later date.

Our Fees

We want to provide our Case Review Service to everyone. Unfortunately, we must charge a small fee to cover our time and costs.

£96 for individuals

£145 for couples

Book Your Case Review

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